If I can ever reach the level of Sung Grand Master Hershey then I know I have improved. 🙂
Tai Chi for health & wellbeing
I had another two good Chair Chi sessions for residents at aged care centres yesterday.
In the first session one resident commented on her back pain and during the session we did a Chi exercise that helped reduce the pain. And in the second session another resident complained of shoulder pain and we did the same Chi exercise which also helped reduce the pain.
As I was practicing my form the other day I focused entirely on my feet; weight transfer and connecting to the ground. I could feel my Chi circulate at a deeper level and I was completed connected to the earth. It was a powerful feeling.
When practicising seated Chi Kung (meditation & exercise) make sure your belt is loose so as to avoid any constriction.
If I tried the sinking technique today I’d either drown or disappear into a mud hole as it’s raining heavily 🙂
But yesterday while practicing my Tai Chi form in the garden I focused on sinking my Chi into the ground and it certainly slowed the form and it felt great.
Here’s what I did;