Here’s a different perspective on wellbeing and performance improvement for primary and secondary school students.
I provide workshops that includes a selection of easy to learn practical Tai Chi skills, exercises and Yin Yang philosophy (non-religious).
All the sessions are fun, interactive and designed to engage students so that they can gain the maximum benefit workshops have to offer.
Each workshop is specifically designed in accordance with what teachers would like to emphasise for their students. For example themes can include self esteem, confidence, self control in the class room, or success.

Primary Schools
P-6: Pozitive Kidz are Happy Kidz
A popular workshop that helps students from prep to grade six improve their self esteem, confidence and control. Workshop presentations are adjusted to suit students understanding and physical capabilities.
Secondary Schools
Y7-12: Interactive workshops that combines energetic and meditative skills that gently challenge and entertain students so they can learn how to feel better about themselves and perform effectively.
Requirements For a Successful Workshop
– 45-60 minutes per workshop
– one class per workshop (maximum of 25 students)
– maximum of three workshops per morning with a short break between each one
– a chair for each student (for the seated portion of the session)
– large indoor space without tables (not in a gym)
– a chair and table for the instructor
About Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise – relaxation – meditation – yin yang philosophy (non-religious) and self defense system. The five major areas of Tai Chi are; The Form (exercise), Nei Kung (energy development), Push Hands (sensitivity exercise), Self Defence, and Weapons (sabre, sword, and spear).
If you are interested in a workshop/s please contact me and we can then arrange a convenient date and time/s to run session/s for your students.
What Others Have Said

Very positive feedback from staff and students re your workshop. We have agreed as a staff to spend a period of time each day doing some of the exercises, activities you did with the children and staff. Encouraging staff to join in was excellent so they feel more confident to set something up in their own class. The little hand sign for making a smile is something I use myself and I see other staff using it as well and the breathing exercise to calm down has been used for playground disagreements so well done. Not just something we have done and then will forget about. Extremely happy with POZITIVE KIDZ.
Dianne Taranto
Deputy Principal, St Mary’s Dandenong

The students thoroughly enjoyed the session and the feedback that was given to me was all very positive. They greatly appreciated your firm but gentle manner in presenting the introduction to Tai Chi lesson. Your demonstration was a great hit.
Noeline Rhode
Director of Senior College, Shelford Girls’ Grammar

Thanks for your efforts yesterday – you did a great job covering all the year 10's in the one day, and the feedback from the kids has been very positive. The general feedback was that it was really enjoyable and they felt they got a lot out of it. At this age they have no qualms about being brutally honest, and I didn’t hear anyone make a negative comment. The class that I have for English suggested we do some Tai Chi at the start of each class, and many said how relaxed it made them feel.
Trish Paddick
Careers Co-ordinator, Koonung Secondary College

Chris Bennett was booked to present his Tai Chi workshops as a part of our Year 10 “Future directions” camp this year. Chris’ engaging style ensured all students were focused and really got the full benefit of the program. Both students and staff were very positive in their feedback after each session. I was delighted with the success of the program and recommend Chris’ work most highly.
Russell Watson
Year 10 Student Manager, Sandringham College

He (Chris) was awesome! – Some of the kids were still referring back to his ‘monkey brain’ exercises in the following days – If only our classrooms were that relaxed all the time! – The whole session was relaxing. Chris made excellent links between the three main feelings and then gave actions and movement to deal with those feelings – The children really enjoyed the experience.
St Francis Xavier Primary School, Ballarat East