If I can ever reach the level of Sung Grand Master Hershey then I know I have improved. 🙂
Tai Chi for health & wellbeing
Well, it’s been a very hectic but enjoyable Tai Chi year and here are some stats to wrap up 2015.
Personal Training:
60 minute ’embrace the tree’ posture. Started 3 years ago with 30 seconds and added 30 seconds each week – previous to that I could never manage more than 3-5 minutes without minor knee problems. Now practice 60 minute embrace the tree posture 3 times a week and 30 minutes on alternative days.
9 minute low stance – 3 times a week
8 Tai Chi push ups – 3 times a week
11 hours training per week
256 Chair Chi workshops for 10 aged care centres – average 5 workshops per week
15 Chair Chi staff training workshops – includes 5 interstate (3 capital cities in a 2 week period)
1 Tai Chi demonstration
1 Chair Chi Plus pilot study over 6 weeks – 3 sessions a week – report to be completed in January
4 Video recordings of Chair Chi workshops (includes staff and resident interviews) at 3 aged care centres
6 Good Chi News e newsletters published – focus on aged care – launched this year
Next year will be another big one as we further expand our business into the aged care sector.
So until then have a great Christmas break and may the good chi be with you.
Some snaps of our regular Push Hands in the Park sessions. Here are the details of the next Push Hands session:
When: Sunday – Ist November
Time: 10.00am – 12 noon
Where: Fawkner Park – South Yarra (Armadale Road entrance), Melbourne, Australia
Friendly, non-competitive push hands (tui shou) practice and play for anyone – old, young, beginners, masters.
Team up with someone and discuss what you’d like to do – and what you’d not like to do!
Ten minute exchanges timed by a bell – but you can rest as well!
Learn, share and enjoy.
By Chris 2 Comments
Well, it’s all happening again.
After a very enjoyable recent road trip to Brisbane and Sydney where I ran our public Aged Care Chair Chi Training Level One and Two workshops and also a Level One onsite workshop for a large aged care centre I’m hitting the road again.
I’m about to fly off to Adelaide, Hobart, Perth and Devonport – in that order – in just over a three week period to run our Aged Care Chair Chi Training Level one and Level Two workshops.
And when that’s done I think I’ll retire to the couch and do some couch chi 🙂
Here’s the schedule:
Adelaide: 9, 10
Hobart: 16,17
Perth: 23,24
Devonport: 30 Nov,1 Dec
The first day is Level One with the option of completing Level Two on the second day.
This is an ideal workshop for lifestyle staff, diversional therapists, carers, and physiotherapists
If you are interested in revitalising your residents then book here now so you don’t miss out!
Well, this week has been a milestone as I’ve reached the 50 minute mark of the ’embrace the tree’ posture.
I’m well on my way to the ‘magical’ 60 minute workout which will be a huge achievement for me as in my early years of Tai Chi practice I could never hold the stance for more than 2 minutes without causing pain to my knees.
Three years ago I decided to research the embrace the tree stance in depth to see if I could find a way to hold the stance for longer periods of time.
So I started with 30 seconds, 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). And each following week I added another 30 seconds. This gave me the opportunity to avoid over-training and to train correctly.
When I reached the 30 minute mark I decided to train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On those days I started with 30 seconds and each following week added another 30 seconds.
Now I’m advancing to the 60 minute mark on the Monday, Wednesday, Friday sessions and the other days I just do 30 minutes as I have other training to do.
So on December 14th I’ll hit the ‘magical’ 60 minute mark.
My high stance work schedule will then be 60 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 30 minutes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Not bad for a former 2 minute man.
Footnote: If you look down to the bottom of the page you’ll see my progress – updated on a weekly basis. Publicising my progress gives me added incentive to achieve my target.