Quotes like ‘sinking the Chi’ can be obscure so the following is a a practical example to help you understand and feel the concept.
I regularly practice a Chi Kung technique which I call ‘Shaky’.
I stand in the ’embrace the tree’ posture.
Then I shake my entire body for 60 seconds.
This sounds easy but it is very demanding. After about 30 seconds it’s normal to breathe heavily and feel tension in the arms and the shoulders.
When I start to feel these sensations I ‘sink the chi’ so I can remain calm for the entire 60 seconds and get a proper work out.
Here’s how I do it.
I focus on visualising, dissolving the chi down to my tan tien and keeping it there.
If the chi rises I repeat the process until I reach my target of 60 seconds.
This simple technique is important in any cardiovascula Tai Chi workouts such as weapons, self defence and general repetitive movements.
So if you are on shaky grounds, don’t forget to sink the chi.
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