I was practising my ’embrace the tree’ posture the other morning and wasn’t sure if my knees were behind my toes or over them.
I looked in the mirror but I still could not determine whether I was practising correctly; the knees should be just behind the toes otherwise you will strain your knees.
So I thought I’d get some feedback and asked my colleague to check out my stance. She said the knees were slightly over the toes so I shifted my position until it was correct. I did this several times until I could ‘feel’ the right position.
Even after 25 years of practice and teaching I still need feedback to make sure I’m practicising correctly. The ideal situation is to have a personal coach (a service I provide for others – private lessons) or attend a class.
Those options are currently unavailable to me as my business does not provide me with the time to do so. So the alternative is to check with my colleague every now and again to make sure I’m on the right track.
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