A little while ago I was in Shepparton for a holiday. On one of the sunny days, Sue and I decided to veg out beside the lake so we set up our picnic table, chairs, lunch and just kicked back and watch the world go by.
After a while I got itchy Tai Chi feet and decided to walk over to the edge of the lake to practice some Tai Chi and Chi Kung. I felt energised and to finish off my practice I got into the embrace the tree posture (standing meditation).
Adults, children, and the odd dog walked, ambled, trottered by, glancing over towards me. I ignored them and stayed focused on my stance work.
Two teenage girls spotted me and stopped in their tracks. They didn’t know what to make of a tall bald guy standing still, arms circled in front at chest level, staring at the lake. One had a mobile phone and started to video me.
I ignored them expecting them to pass by but they just stood there.
‘What are you doing?’
‘Excuse me, are you alright?’
I didn’t answer but they persisted
‘Are you alright, Mista’.
‘Hey, Mista, are you alright?’
Usually I ignore any interaction with people when I’m practicising but on this occassion I was near the end and soon stopped.
‘Yeah, I’m okay.’
‘What are you doing?’
‘Tai Chi and Chi Kung.’
Their faces went blank.
‘What’s that?’
‘It’s a Chinese exercise and self defence art’.
As they walked by I said, ‘That’s not going on YouTube, is it? I was referring to the video one of them had just taken of me standing by the lake.
‘Oh, no.’
Mmm, maybe not but I can just imagine a whole bunch of teenage girls gathered around a mobile phone, giggling, watching some sort of Frankenstein monster standing in front of a lake, arms held out like he is trying to grab someone.
Or maybe just like some kind of Tai Chi weirdo.
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