If I tried the sinking technique today I’d either drown or disappear into a mud hole as it’s raining heavily 🙂
But yesterday while practicing my Tai Chi form in the garden I focused on sinking my Chi into the ground and it certainly slowed the form and it felt great.
Here’s what I did;
- In the beginning posture (stationary) I focused on the Chi traveling from the soles of my feet deep into the earth
- I started the form and in every weight transfer thereafter I did the same thing until I completed the form. For example, if I was on my left leg I felt the Chi go deep into the earth from the sole of my left foot. As I transferred my weight onto my right leg I felt the Chi go deep into the ground from the sole of my right foot.
The two advantages in using this method are;
- creates a deeper feeling of being connected to the earth
- stops you from focusing on your upper body movements which can throw you off balance
I suggest if you are a beginner you only try this in a sequence of two or three movements so you can get a feel for it. If you try it throughout the form you may forget parts your form.
if you are an intermediate student and can do your form without thinking about it then perhaps it’s time to do the ‘Sinking Chi’ method so you can feel more connected to the earth.
Sinking the Chi is a vital component of Tai Chi so why not have a go and see how it feels for yourself.
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