Last week I finished the Chair Chi Plus Pilot study at Craigcare Residential Aged Care centre here in Melbourne, Australia and here’s some interesting numbers from the program:
- Residents Age Range: 81-96 years old
- Pilot Study Duration: 6 weeks
- Sessions: 30 minutes – 3 times a week
- Total sessions: 16
- Pulse taken: 3 times during each session – resting – mid way – end of session
- Total participants: 6 high care residents
- Attendance: 4 residents = 16/16, 1 resident = 10/16, 1 resident 9/16
These numbers plus other statistics and feedback will be part of the report I’m now putting together to determine if the following aims of the study were met:
- increase in leg strength
- improved balance
- achieved cardiovascular workout
- enhanced emotional and pyschological well being
If you are interested in the final report please contact me and I’ll email you a copy – there’s no charge for the report.