Is Tai Chi a miracle cure for your problems?
Is it the best fighting art?
In two words, no and no.
It’s not Tai Chi that will provide you with a miracle cure.
The miracles you are looking for may occur if you do two things.
- Keep an open mind
- Practice
Very simple concepts that are difficult to do because it requires discipline.
So the next time you read about the miracle of Tai Chi, ground yourself in reality and focus on the above concepts.
If you do your Tai Chi, wellbeing, and self defence skills will improve gradually.
Footnote: There are no free yum cha’s in Tai Chi. Only practice.
Those two ingredients are the key to a lot of things, it seems! Thanks for this reminder and encouragement 🙂
Nice article Chris but you lost me at no free yum cha’s!
Speaking of which, lets organise one down Springvale way with Sue and Laurel to compare notes.
Thanks Frank. Yes, lets catch up, I’ll give you a call. And if I’m in a good mood I shout you a free Yum Cha but don’t hold your breath 🙂
Thanks Theresa!
Great advice, as always. “Don’t seek, without knowing”, as Hong said. Every moment is different, and before you know things change. I’d like to think the health and martial aspects will be there when I need them. Thanks for the concise piece of advice,