Yesterday it was raining and muddy outside so I couldn’t go into the garden to practice my Tai Chi weapon’s forms as usual.
So the options were either miss training or improvise and train inside my house. Well, I wasn’t going to miss training so I decided to practice these forms in my hallway. I cleared the furniture and created some space.
In a narrow space I had to shuffle my feet back to the centre of the room several times as I did the form. The difficulty was to stay focused and keep the correct shape of each posture.
And also not to take out the overhead light with my Tai Chi weapon!
Although this is not the ideal way of training it does keep me to my schedule.
Winter has come early here with many wet days and training inside the house is the only option for me.
It really is a simple choice.
Practice or don’t practice.
Know the feeling, try Air-Sabre (or -Sword, -Spear) when indoors, or in a public area where wielding a weapon may get you in trouble- far safer.
Yes, you’re right – air Tai Chi weapons’ practice is safer indoors and in a public area – less chance of attracting unwelcomed attention.