I was on my way home yesterday after delivering my second Chair Chi workshop for an aged care centre and decided to pop into my local cafe to have a cappuccino. And it was very relaxing.
Usually I head home after two workshops, rest for a while, do half an hour of my own Tai Chi training and then I go into my office to work on our business. But this time, as I drove home, I glanced to my left and there was the cafe; the cappuccino chi was too strong and I was ‘forced’ to pull over and go inside.
It’s something I plan to do whenever I have two sessions in a day which is just about every week. There’s a lot of energy used during these Chair Chi sessions when working with both low and high care residents and I do need to replenish my Chi afterwards. And a cappuccino certainly does that.
Now if I happen to do an early morning workplace Tai Chi session on the same day; that’s three workshops in a day, then I think I’ll cut loose and have two cappuccinos!
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