I have a fixed routine for my Tai Chi training, six days a week, but occasionally I get so busy that I can’t fit everything in.
When this occurs I make sure, at the very least, I do my stance training – it’s what I call my ‘compulsory Tai Chi’ training.
There are three reasons why I need to do my stance training regardless of my work load;
- It’s a vital aspect of Tai Chi training
- It’s taken me a long time to build up to the 20 minute stance training (embrace the tree) routine and I don’t want to go backwards by missing sessions
- Since I’ve stopped doing low stance training because of an old injury to my left knee; the only option is to do high stance training. It’s something I fully appreciate and I don’t want to waste this opportunity; the alternative is to do no stance training.
With my’ compulsory Tai Chi’ mindset I haven’t missed a session in stance work in two years – even while travelling interstate and overseas for work.
Something I’m very happy about.
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