Discovered this clip from Jordan Keats who is doing a good job of promoting Chen style Tai Chi.
Although I do Wu Style Tai Chi I can appreciate the talent and skill of Master Chen Zhonghua’s demonstration of fajin.
Whenever I see masters such as Chen Zhonghua demonstating aspects of Tai Chi, it inspires me to continue to practice and try to improve my skills.
Thanks for the mention – way back in October. It certainly took me a while before I found it, but what a pleasant surprise. I love the new site, and your dedication to tai chi.
My last blog post was about what Chen Style Tai Chi looks like, , and I was hoping to encourage you to show me, and the rest of your readers, what Wu Style looks like. Could you point me in the direction of some videos of famous Wu-style masters, or, better yet, of you demonstrating your form, please?
Thanks again for the mention, and since your post, I dropped the hyphen from my address, the domain is Keep up the great work,
Thanks Jordan.
I will look for more demonstration video clips of various aspects of Wu Style Tai Chi and post them up on my Chris Chi blog. Eventually, I hope to have clips of myself demonstrating aspects of Wu Style Tai Chi.
Keep up the good work in promoting Tai Chi.