One of the personal benefits of developing a new program like my Sports Chi is that it gives me the opportunity to research and cross reference various Tai Chi themes and techniques.
Not only is this research beneficial for the Sports Chi program but also for my own personal training.
With a greater depth of knowledge I feel my skills are improving as I practice on a daily basis.
Rather than overload on the knowledge obtained, I simply take one theme or skill learned and apply it to a specific aspect of my training.
For example, one of the areas I’ve worked on is making sure my knees are properly aligned.
This is easy to do if you are stationary, but when moving from posture to posture in a Tai Chi form it’s difficult to do.
As I do my research on areas I already know, I’m reminded of what the famous former UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden, once said – ‘It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts‘.