I’ve subscribed to the American Tai Chi magazine for about 20 years and do recommend it as a resource for any level of Tai Chi practitioner.
I always look forward to articles on Wu Style Tai Chi as this is the style I practice. I do read all the other articles regardless of the styles of Tai Chi because it gives me a chance to compare experienced Tai Chi players viewpoints on various techniques and issues.
I usually pick up on something that adds to my knowledge and understanding of Tai Chi and that makes it worthwhile subscribing to it.
Now I am not getting anything for recommending the magazine (no secret slush fund – I wish :). The only connection I have had apart from subscribing to it was a paid article of mine that was published several years ago. If you are interested in reading it here is the entire article A Guide to Free Style Push Hands.
I’ve still got my first copy – one of about 120 issues.
Which reminds me, I must go and sort them all out.
It appears that Wayfarer’s Tai Chi Magazine web site no longer exists, likely meaning the magazine has ceased to exist. Any attempt to access the web site defaults to one of GoDaddy’s index pages.
Hi Lynn
I googled the magazine and discovered the founder of the magazine has passed away so I’m not sure if it will continue.