For Grades 5 & 6 Students
A new specialised program for Grades 5 & 6 students designed to help them to become the best they can be in both their academic studies and their relationships with others.
This innovative program is based on our unique combination of Appreciative Intelligence® and Kinaesthetic Intelligence.
Students will learn how to develop their Appreciative Intelligence® which involves:
- Reframing challenges so they don’t get stuck
- See the positive in people around them
- See a hopeful future for themselves and work out steps for how to get there
- Be persistent to achieve goals
- Know what they do and say makes a difference
- Cope well when things are uncertain
- Bounce back more easily from difficulties (be more resilient)
Additional Benefits
Students will also learn how to enhance their Kinesthetic Intelligence which in this program uses physical movement to generate and balance energy through selected and practical skills from the art of Tai Chi. Skills include:
- Relaxation
- Meditation
- Practical Yin Yang philosophy (non-religious)
- Chi exercises
- 6 week program (1 morning per week)
- Each student will do one 45-60 minute session per week
- choose up to three Grade 5 and/or Grade 6 classes to participate (maximum of 3 sessions in a morning)
- Teacher information booklet provided for ongoing reference and support to sustain learning
(Appreciative Intelligence® is the registered trademark of Tojo Thatchenkery. Used with permission)
Contact me now to book your program.