When I work with residents at aged care centres, running a Chair Chi session, occasionally something special happens that makes it all worthwhile.

The other day I was working with a group of residents and one was resident stooped over in his wheel chair, his back at about a 45 degree angle.
We were focusing on aligning the body vertically and I’m very careful when I teach this technique not to cause pain or aggravate any existing injuries.
I make sure the residents watch my demonstration before they consider attempting the realignment and I always say ‘if you feel any pain stop what you are doing’.
Anyway, this particular resident next to me said he suffered from ‘severe depression’ which he said is one of the reason he stoops. So I gently guided him towards a vertical alignment not expecting much change from his posture, because I’d seen him stooped several times before.

Then an amazing thing happened. As he moved his body this time, he managed to achieve an almost vertical alignment without experiencing any pain. The transformation was incredible! I asked him to work on what he had achieved each day.
Next week I hope he is part of our session again. It will be very interesting to see if he has practiced and whether he can do the alignment again. With encouragement I think he can.
I’ll keep you posted of his progress.
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